Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hi Mike,

In thinking of things we like, I came up with Napa (and wine in general), a warm modern aesthetic, fall colors, clean lines, and shelves (the shelves are mostly me).

Here are a few pictures to inspire you for our interior:

Our homes have always looked and felt best in the fall:

This is a favorite painting of Ryan's.  I gave him a print on our wedding day:
 This is what our vegetable garden looked like before we planted it.  I like the shapes:

 Clean lines:

 Great setting:
 The interior of one of our favorite wineries:
 A favorite label:

 A recent photo we like from a wedding we were both in:

Kitchen photos:

Baby John's Room in particular:


These are pictures of The Walker House around the corner in San Dimas.  We love the details, colors, and overall feel.

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